
Resultado de imagen de BALLET
Maybe you will not believe it, but ballet has a lot of benefits that you may not know. Today, I'm going to show you 6 of them:

  • ELASTICITY:  It may be the most obvious one. For many steps such as grand jeté or a developpé will require a lot of elasticity, especially on your legs.Resultado de imagen de grand jete

    • ENERGY: As with any other sport, you will activate your body, so it will be more energetic and healthy. Also, you will sleep better.

    • POSITION: Doing ballet you will be forced to put your back right, your shoulders ''opened'' and your upper back ''closed''
    Imagen relacionada
    • CONTROL OF THE DIZZINESS: For some especific steps such as fouettes or pirouettes, you will need a good control of the dizziness, if you don't want to end up vomiting after doing many turns.
    Resultado de imagen de gif fouette

    • CONCENTRATION AND MEMORY: While dancing you will be forced to get concentrated and forget about anything else. Also you will improv yoour memory by having to remember long variations 

    • FRIEDSHIP: Having to share barre with other mates; or having to do a group variation or a pas a deux will improve your social ability and you will do new friends.
    Resultado de imagen de pas a deux
    So, in conclusion, ballet will not cure your illnesses, but it will do you good.
