If someones asks me about the best place I´ve ever visited, I would say New Tork, whithout any doubt. My trip to Ney York was really amazing. I went there last year whith my family. We stayed in an amazing room in the 50th floor of a hotel in Times Square. I visited lots of interesting places as Central Park, Times Square, The Bronx, The New York Yankees stadium etc. One day we went to Washington D.C where I visited other interesting places such as The Capitolium, The White House, The Lincoln´s and Washington´s memorial, The Air and Space museum, The Pentagon (by outside) and a huuuuge Military Cementery with Keneddy´s grave. One of my favourites day was a day we went on a tour by all the city visiting places where famous films were recorded. Another day I loved was the 11-9-2017, when we visited The Empire State Building from we saw a very large column of light that started in the 11-9-2001 memorial, another place I loved visiting. One day I even took a picture of myself with a famous host. Even the food was delicious. I ate the best New York´s burguer, the best Hot Dog I´ve ever eaten and a wonderful cupcakes that I used to buy every day in a cake shop which was in front of the hotel. I did love that trip and I´m looking forward to returning. I hope you liked my post and any question you want to ask me you can ask it in the coments below. Thanks  for reading💖😋
